Kenyan Resources Database: Homepage



Resource Databases

Single Item Index

1. Names

2. Title

3. Institutions

Three Item Index

1. Year - Name - Title

2. Name - Title - Institution

3. Institution - Year - Name

Complete Database Index

1. 1900 - 1959

2. 1960 - 1969

3. 1970 - 1978

4. 1979 - 1982

5. 1983 - 1985

6. 1986 - 1989

7. 1990 - 1994

8. 1995 - 1996

9. 1997 - 1998

9. 1999 - 2000

Other resources

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Kenyan Resources Database : 

a) Background

This database is a project aimed at making available bibliographic information of theses and dissertations that have significant research carried out on or in Kenya.

With most of the information obtained from Univeristy library catalogues and other sources of bibliographic information, currently the database has more than 920 records. Efforts will be made to diversify sources of information from the continents of North American and Western and Continental Europe to other regions such as Eastern Europe, Asia, Asutralia and Africa.

Although this may be a slow process, it is hoped that with contributions from Kenyans and Kenyanists all over the world, this dream will be achieved. Ultimately, it is hoped that researchers, students, teachers or lectures, scholars and other information seekers will benefit immensely from this resource.

b) Site organization

The information is organized in three main index categories. The first is the single item index which would offer an overview of the available institution, author or title information.

The three item index offers a select three items arranged in alphabetical or chronological order in order to give a higher level of compound information.

Using information or leads from this category of indexes, the user could then go to the comprehensive tables with a little more certainty or informed perception where to get desired information.

Within the different tables, the information seeker may need use the find feature provided by the browser in order to locate the exact information one is searching for.


The web

Your questions and comments are very welcome. Please visit our guest book .

Project Manager: S. Katuu,
Vancouver - Canada (June 1999)

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Please contribute in building this resource

If your thesis or dissertation has not yet been included in this database, then you are more than welcome to make the bibliographic information available.

Please visit the Kenyan Resource Database form. A password is required. Please contact the Web Administrator for details.

PS: Since the project manager may not be able to review all entries and guarantee their accuracy, all bibliographic should be as comprehensive and accurate as possible.

Thank you

Contact the Web Administrator © Copyright 1999 Kenyan Resources Database    
Last updated June 11, 1999